Further restrictions ease across regional Victoria from 11.59pm Friday 17 September

Victoria will hit the 70% first dose vaccination target tomorrow, Friday 17 September. This means there will be some changes to restrictions from 11.59pm Friday 17 September.

In regional Victoria:

  • Gyms can have up to 10 people indoors and outdoors
  • Outdoor and indoor pools can reopen with up to 50 people, and swimming lessons can resume
  • Movement between metropolitan Melbourne and City of Ballarat is restricted

The city of Ballart has entered a seven-day lockdown from 11.59pm on Wednesday 15 September. The city of Ballarat will have the same restrictions in place as metropolitan Melbourne, except there will be no curfew.

Restrictions update for metropolitan Melbourne and City of Ballarat

  • You can now travel up to 10 kilometres from your home
  • Exercise is now increased to four hours a day
  • Two people from different households can meet for a picnic, walk, or another outdoor activity.
  • Five adults (plus dependents) from two households can gather outdoors if all adults present have received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Click here for all restriction details

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