Rights, Responsibilities, Privacy and Feedback

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Your Rights and Responsibilities

Amicus is committed to working within a human rights framework.

When we work together, Amicus will promote your right to:
• individual choice
• support to make informed choices
• dignity of risk in decision making
• be listened to and treated with respect
• have your privacy and confidentiality maintained
• experience a safe and secure environment
• receive high quality service
• have your cultural and religious values respected
• have your communication needs met, including access to an interpreter or translation if requested
• have your autonomy respected, including your right to intimacy and sexual expression
• give us feedback and know we are listening to you
• have sufficient time to consider and review your options and seek advice if required at all stages of support provision
• be represented by a support person, advocate or interpreter if needed

When we work together, we ask you to kindly:
• be respectful
• act safely
• be open and honest with us about the services you receive
• respect the rights and privacy of the people around you, including Amicus staff and team members


Your information is private and we treat all of the information you give to us carefully and with confidentiality.

Amicus are committed to upholding the Australian Privacy Principles.

We will:
• when collecting your information for the purpose of providing services, it will be with your permission, knowledge and consent
• protect your personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure
• where necessary, share information if required by law, or to lessen or prevent serious risk to the wellbeing of yourself or others.

Amicus is responsible for meeting our obligations under the NDIS Act 2013, The Disability Act 2006, Children’s Services Act 1996 and Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

We provide quality services that meet the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Practice Standards.

You can change your consent or access your personal information at any time by contacting Amicus.

Incident Management

Amicus understands the importance of incident reporting and investigation in providing a high quality service. We have a system to identify, report and manage incidents to ensure a safe environment.

As a registered service provider we are responsible for reporting certain incidents to the relevant authority as required.


We encourage and accept feedback in all forms. You can give us feedback or make a complaint in any manner that suits you.

For example, you can provide feedback in person to our Complaints and Feedback team, by phone, email and letter or through the complaint form on our website.

Amicus will:
• promptly confirm we have your complaint
• talk with you about what happened
• ask you about what you want to happen
• keep you updated with actions that follow
• explain why any decisions are made
• check if you are happy with the outcome
• help you to be supported by an advocate
• explore your options for a review if you are not happy, including referring your complaint to an external agency

Lodging a complaint
Phone: 03 5441 2666
Email: feedback@amicus.org.au
Post: 113 Williamson Street, Bendigo VIC 3550
Online: www.amicus.org.au/complaints

External Agencies

If you prefer, you can lodge a complaint or give feedback about us to an external agency.

You can also do this if you are unhappy with the outcome of a complaint that was lodged with us directly.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
1800 035 544

National Disability Insurance Agency
1800 800 110

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
1800 951 822

Australian Human Rights Commission
1300 656 419

1300 884 706

Victorian Ombudsman
1800 806 314

Victorian Disability Worker Commission
1800 497 132

Contact us

We’re here to help! 

Our office is open Monday to Friday 9:00am until 5:00pm

Head Office 
113 Williamson Street, Bendigo VIC 3550

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